10 Interesting Halloween treats to inspire!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Halloween is just about a month away and there are so many ideas floating around. If you have not yet checked some of the most popular posts on Halloween in our blog, check them out!

 Halloween cannot be complete without special spooky eyes, gooey gross stuff, bloody vampire teeth! There are so many interesting ideas for healthy munching, to chocolate dessert and ofcourse the cupcakes and cookies all befitting a bewitching Halloween feast!

This is a mini round up of some really cool ideas and recipes! Enjoy the fun :)

Ogre teeth, apple bites are a healthy snack for kids and perfect to munch as they go trick and treating! A good break from chocolates, or add a squirt of jelly or Nutella between the teeth :)

from here

The ever popular bloody cupcake! We love red velvet, and the overall presentation is perfectly  gory to boot :) A variation could be glass shards instead of cookie knives. Great for adults too!

A no sweat, quick fix dessert perfect for kids and grown ups alike! Chocolate pudding, add Oreo cookie crumble topped with a sugar cookie with RIP piped. Yum tombstone dessert!

Absolutely love these Vampire bites!! They would be so awesome to give to friends and family or even at potluck. The cookie, with chocolate center and vanilla frosting is sure to be delicious too!

from here

Love the easy twist on gingerbread cookies! Add skeleton in vanilla and they are perfect for Halloween. Use your favorite recipe or cheat with store bought cookies and personalize :) Cute!!

from here

There are so many recipes and tricks to make the perfect spider web cookies! I found this youtube video the most helpful (starts a 5:09) These are so impressive!

Kids will love these! Mini cupcakes with just a circle of blue frosting and m and m, nerves of red decorating gel. These will be perfect for your kids Halloween school party too!

from here

Another good one for kids Halloween party! These mini mummy pizza are perfect finger food. English muffins for base, sauce, veggies, cheese stripes and black olives. Kids would love to help!!

These look so yummy :) Mac and cheese and spinach masquerading as swamp creatures! Place slices of olive for eyes. Check out the full recipe in the link.

from here

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